Data Engineer - Data Scientist - Software Engineer

I am an engineer with a passion for creating clean and efficient code. A strong background in designing and developing innovative solutions that interacts with data and solving machine learning problems, I am always looking for new challenges and enjoy solving ambitious problems.



Political Campaign Website

Built the congressional website for Max Rose's campaign to reclaim his seat in NY District 11. The website served as a platform to showcase Max's political agenda, his accomplishments, and his vision for the future. The website was built on ruby on rails , tailwind, AWS and hosted on Render.


A web chat application that bridges the gap between political candidates and their potential voters. I built the application with the goal of providing a seamless and personalized experience, allowing users to actively participate in the campaign's activities, stay informed, and voice their opinions. The project was built using Django, HTML, CSS, and Nginx server.

HR Analytics Dashboard

Created an interactive analysis report on the tableau server for the Human Resources team with parameters that gives insight into the monthly attrition rate of employees based on department and gender.

ETL Data Pipeline

Combining music and technology. I harnessed the power of Spotify's vast music library by extracting and transforming data from their API using python to transform the data and loading it into postgresql database. Used airflow to ensure continuous flow of data

Iwe is a groundbreaking SaaS website that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to revolutionize document management and comprehension. Users can effortlessly summarize and ask questions about any PDF file. Gone are the days of tedious manual reading and analysis. The AI-driven system swiftly distills complex documents into concise summaries, saving valuable time and effort. Additionally, users can pose questions directly to the document, receiving accurate and relevant answers in no time.

Whether you're a student looking to streamline research, a professional managing vast amounts of documentation, or anyone in between, Iwe offers unparalleled convenience and efficiency. This project is built using Typescript, Node JS and third party management tools (Deployed with Vercel).


About Me

I am an engineer with a passion for coding and creating innovative solutions. With a focus on clean and efficient code, I strive to deliver high-quality projects that exceed expectations. I am constantly seeking to solve ambitious problems and opportunities to expand my skills and knowledge. Some friends would call me an autodidact because there is a possibility I am learning a new skill or a new stunt anytime we meet.

We will definitely be friends if you love traveling and learning new language or always grappling on the jiujitsu mat.

Contact Me

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